Transportation of goods in Russia and the world
Maxima is one of the successful agencies involved in air cargo transportation, a responsible contractor, a reliable partner and a professional team of specialists in air cargo transportation, which has proved to be the best in the market for ten years of productive activity in the field of air transportation.
18 march 2018, 15:14
Please note that from 01.02.2018 new tariffs for Russia have come into effect.
18 march 2018, 15:54
Please note that from 01.02.2018 new tariffs for Russia have come into effect.
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Important information
LLC «M-Cargo»
142712, Moscow ring road, ow. 2, building 1 office 222-main office, the territory of the motorway service Area of the highway- города СНГ
- аэропорт
- головной офис